Back on blogging

Today, I visited a friend on a home event of the clothing line she is running the business with. I said hi, and she said: “Lubna, I was reading your blog.” I was ambivalent, as she started to discuss my blogs in more detail. She was just sharing and commending what she read. However, she took me to the corridors of the time, when I was such a regular blogger on my personal blog. Thats the work, I always enjoyed doing until two years ago. But, the past two years have made me such a different person, that I lost the passion of doing so many things that challenged me, and writing was one of them. Being a journalist, and the way I started writing, I never imagined myself of distancing from this practice that had refined me to a great extent professionally.

Now, when I look back at the time which has ushered me into the experiences that I never thought, I had, then I realize, how unpredictable the life is. The relationships you consider are precious to you change with the time, money and other mundane features. That was the time, when I discovered so many other facets of my personalities and the most striking one was how strong I am. Being the youngest of six siblings, I was really pampered. But, as the time went by- and I started my career-my parents have always encouraged me to stand by truth, and face the challenges and cross the hurdles with courage. I was never taught to be intimidated by anyone. Today, when I am thousand miles away from my family, I am thankful to my parents for making me the person to embrace the change, face the challenge, and never give up.

Lilly, the friend, I mentioned in the start of my blog is the sister of Eddie, whom I had met at the Starbucks, Beaumont. Eddie is a veteran, and has vivid knowledge of the world affairs. Thats how our friendship started, which has now extended to his lovely wife, Becky, and then loving sister Lilly. I am thankful to God for such beautiful friends, who love me unconditionally.

I have seen God’s hand throughout my whole life, but for the past two years, his hand has been more powerful than ever. He has sustained me, and brought me so far in this foreign land. Although, I don’t have my family here, the friends He has provided me are not lesser than family in any way. I am truly blessed to have Al and Sandi in my life, who are my family here in the US. I can’t ever repay for their kindness, and love for me.

Soon, I am starting a new chapter of my life, which I would write about very soon. Don’t want to spill the beans now.

I don’t know if anyone else is reading this who is going through the hardest times. I just like to tell you that God is more powerful than our imagination. He reaps from where He doesn’t sow. I know its hard to even think that, let alone follow it. But, have faith, and believe that the savior is greater than the killer. I have had a struggle too, and being a female it was really so hard for me. But, my faith and trust in God has made me a new person. You will eventually realize in your struggle that only you have the way to come out of the hard time. Its all about attitude, and adhering to your faith.

Good things will happen, but only when you realize the importance of the phase you have to go through in order to achieve what your goal is. Never stop running for your passion, as one day, you will make it.

Be Yourself, and let no one take away this”You ” from you.

Special thanks to Lilly for making me realized that writing really affects the readers.





2 thoughts on “Back on blogging

  1. Dear LTB,

    My only survival kit is my positive attitude which you are promoting.Thanks.BM ________________________________

  2. Dear lubna, gone through your blog “be your self”. It’s encouraging. Wish you all the success in your life. It is to remind you that you are not a forgotten soul here among your friends. And again best of luck for the new (chapter).

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